I like my money right where I can see it: hanging in my closet. -- Carrie Bradshaw, Sex and the City

06 June 2010

I DO Know Jack!-Summer Style 101-Jack Rogers


Welcoming summer for me means four key things--throwing the top down, planting hydrangeas,baseball and putting my feet into my favorite style of shoes-sandals! For someone who owns countless pairs of shoes I really would walk barefoot my whole life if I could---but I do adore my sandals and I cannot imagine a summer season without baseball or without my red painted toes showing with my Jacks.

Since 1960 Jack Rogers' all American sandal style,so chic and easy, THE perfect summer shoe, has been seen on some very famous feet. The iconic Palm Beach Navajo  is a classic, defining resort style from Palm Beach to Nantucket. They worked for Jackie over 50 years ago and they still work today-it simply cannot be summer without Jacks!  


The Navajo is the most recognized sandal in the line but 50 years later Jack Rogers has grown taken their beloved footwear collection and expanded the line to include bags, apparel, accessories and of course sandals all incorporating the Jack Rogers "look" into their new lifestyle line which debuted this spring.  There are platform espadrilles,heels,even  jellies...but for me just give me my Classic Jacks...  
For those of us who cannot get enough of the Jack Rogers look the new collection has lots to tempt-easy, comfortable, affordable and as timeless as Jackie's look...


Great Tops


Skirts for effortless style

Dresses to live in

Bags to match my shoes...


"St. Barth's Tote"                                     

...and of course shoes!!!!


Without a doubt MY all time favorite non-Palm Beach Jack--The Daisy with interchangeable daisies!!! 

Now THAT is summer Style!!